
Wet Weather Play

Outdoor play allows children endless amounts of engagement in an environment which tests them both physically and cognitively, but when you add water the possibilities for play-based learning are both fun and engaging.


Intentional Teaching

As an early childhood educator there are many factors I take into account when I am developing my program for the children I work with.


Brain Gym: What is it and how does it work?

Brain Gym is the use of physical movements to access the different parts of the brain and stimulate the nervous system enhancing learning, growth and development in both children and adults.


Fine motor skills and pre-writing skills

Pre-writing skills are essential for children to be able to develop the ability to hold and move a pencil fluently and effectively and therefore produce legible writing.


Weapon Play

In our preschool room, many of the boys and some of the girls are showing an interest in superhero play. This type of dramatic play usually follows on with some form of rough and tumble play and/or weapon play. This current interest of the children has sparked conversation between the entire centre’s staff about allowing this superhero and weapon play to continue or if it should be stopped.


Books Books Books !

If you take a moment to think back to your childhood did you have that one book that you would request over and over again, do you have fond memories of curling up on a grandparent’s lap whilst they read to you or maybe you would snuggle up in bed surrounded with your favourite books and ask for “just one more”.


The Power of Playdough

Play dough is a regular feature of our classrooms at Maryland Care and Early Education but what are its benefits?